Do you . . .
feel as if something is wrong in your life but aren’t sure exactly what?
struggle with nightmares, flashbacks, uncomfortable physical sensations and find it hard to sleep?
drink alcohol, use drugs, or engage in other compulsive behaviors to escape?
continually re-experience distressing, scary, or life-threatening memories from earlier in your life?
wish you could stop feeling stuck in your past and move on with a new phase of your life?
Do you relate to any or all of these? It may be that you’re struggling with past trauma of which you may or may not be aware, leaving you feeling alone, overwhelmed, or even guilty.
Maybe you’ve experienced childhood or generational trauma. Examples can include a lack of bonding with or neglect from a close family member, or abuse. Some memories might be clear and others blurry. Either way, they can create confusion, causing you to wonder whether you were to blame, or worry what others might think about you. Clinicians often differentiate between “big T” traumas like war, accidents, or first responder work and “little t” traumas like verbal abuse or abandonment which can accumulate over time, making them feel like a big T trauma.
Experiencing these types of traumas can have long-term devastating effects on a person’s life. Unfortunately, trauma and addictions often go together. Methods of escape from your trauma in the form of an addiction can provide short-term relief but long-term chaos in your life, derailing you personally, professionally, financially, and spiritually.
You don’t need to carry this by yourself anymore. You may feel broken, but you are not. With expert guidance and support, you can stop feeling like you’re just surviving and begin moving through your life with a new sense of trust, balance, and possibility.
50 min | $150