30 Task Model

What does treatment for sex addiction look like?

After years of following the recovery of 1000 sex addicts from all walks of life and utilizing their “best advice” for recovery, Dr. Patrick Carnes and his research team studied realistic ways sex addicts transformed their despair and chaos into peaceful sobriety.  As a result of systematically investigating the nature of sex addiction and recovery through their stories, he formulated 30 essential tasks, further broken down into performables.  These 30 tasks are broken into three sections: early recovery tasks, long-term recovery tasks (internal and external), and relational/family recovery.

While all these 30 tasks need to be dealt with during recovery, they are not necessarily completed in order.  However, they are key to your recovery and can provide a roadmap to follow in treatment, a point of reference for your recovery, clarity in defining goals, and identification of new areas for continued growth.